
Nexus is a performing arts 501c3 non-profit that employs and connects underrepresented performing artists to various communities, jobs and the entertainment industry.


Our Story

Founded in 2018 by Skylar Males.

What we do

Battles, Performances, after school programs



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NexLevel Battles Series

Location: Chicago Cultural Center

Date: Sept 1st 1-3:30pm

Crew Registration Information

*Crews MUST pre-register by August 21st*.

Check-in begins at 12pm Sharp.

Battle starts at 1pm.



of Breaking Battles

This is a time where the Breaking community has experienced significant defunding and crew battles are rare. Historically Breaking crews provided safe havens for young black and brown boys to avoid gang indoctrination and channel their energy and talents into something productive and positive, while still providing a sense of protection and unity.


Arts Enrichment Programming


Arts Enrichment Programming

Nexus offers after school classes and summer programs in 10+ Chicago schools where we hire, train and deploy our Teaching Artists to teach the following:

Hollywood Stunts

Music Videos: Hip hop & Breakdance

Puppeteer Engineers

TV Commercials: Producing & Performing


Hair & Makeup: Hollywood & Broadway
